Update on setting up work-study contracts

Watch the replay with Féliciana Boucher - Expert Social et Paies Senef Progisap Progiclean Silae - to talk about setting up work-study contracts in our Progisap, Progiclean and Silae solutions.

The webinar will cover the following topics: 

Why encourage apprenticeship? 

  • Train a future employee

With an apprenticeship, you train a young employee in your company's working methods, and after an initial training period, he or she can gradually gain autonomy.

  •  Pass on your company's know-how

The apprentice master, who plays a central role in the apprentice's training, can be the company manager or a volunteer employee. By taking on an apprentice, you can preserve and pass on your company's specific know-how.

Download a memo on the role of the apprentice master.

  • Benefit from recruitment assistance.

By hiring an apprentice, you can benefit from financial aid, which we'll be discussing during the webinar.

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